

XKCDSW comic


These notes are intended as an introduction and guide to using Python for data analysis and research.

As big a part of this workshop as any of the formal aims listed below, is that you should enjoy yourself. Python is a fun language because it is relatively easy to read and tells you all about what you did wrong (or what module was broken) if an error occurs.

With that in mind, have fun, and happy learning!

Structure of this course

The main components of this workshop are these notes and accompanying exercises.

In addition there will be an introductory talk. From there, you’ll be left to work through the material at your own pace with invaluable guidance and advice available from the workshop demonstrators.

Where appropriate, key points will be emphasized via short interjections during the workshop.

Recap: What is Python?

Python is the name of a programming language (created by Dutch programmer Guido Van Rossum as a hobby programming project!), as well as the program, known as an interpreter, that executes scripts (text files) written in that language.

Van Rossum named his new programming language after Monty Python’s Flying Circus (he was reading the published scripts from “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” at the time of developing Python!).

It is common to use Monty Python references in example code. For example, the dummy (aka metasyntactic) variables often used in Python literature are spam and eggs, instead of the traditional foo and bar. As well as this, the official Python documentation often contains various obscure Monty Python references.


The program is known as an interpreter because it interprets human readable code into computer readable code and executes it. This is in contrast to compiled programming languages like C, C++, and Java which split this process up into a compile step (conversion of human-readable code into computer code) and a separate execution step, which is what happens when you press on a typical program executable, or run a Java class file using the Java Virtual Machine.

Because of it’s focus on code readability and highly expressive syntax (meaning that programmers can write less code than would be required with languages like C or Java), Python has grown hugely in popularity and is now one of the most popular programming languages in use.


During this workshop, hopefully you will cover most if not all of the following sections

Optional sections include

We will not be delivering hours of lectures on programming constructs and theory, or detailing how every function of every module works.

Instead the aim of this workshop is to provide an environment for **you** to learn to program, with help at hand when you need it.

Printing the notes

For both environmental reasons and to ensure that you have the most up-to-date version, we recommend that you work from the online version of these notes.

A printable, single page version of these notes is available here.


Please email any typos, mistakes, broken links or other suggestions to

Installing on your own machine

If you want to use Python on your own computer I would recomend using one of the following “distributions” of Python, rather than just the basic Python interpreter.

Amongst other things, these distributions take the pain out of getting started because they include all modules you’re likely to need to get started as well as links to pre-configured consoles that make running Python a breeze.

Note : Be sure to download the Python 3, not 2, and get the correct acrchitecture for your machine (ie 32 or 64 bit).

More (pythonic) Python

You should already be familiar with basic Python including

If you are unclear on any of these points, please refer back to the introductory notes.

We will now focus on some additional, sometimes Python-specific, concepts. By this I mean that even if you know how to program in C or Fortran, you will possiby not know for example what a list comprehension is!

Less “universally useful” additional Python concepts have been included in the optional “Additional advanced Python” section.

Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission (EAFP): trying

A common programming approach in Python (as opposed to e.g. C) is to try something and catch the exception (i.e. if it fails).

This is as opposed to the approach used in other languages, which is to carefully check all inputs and not expect the exception to happen.

To do this we use a try-except block, for example

# At this point we have a variable called my_var that contains a string
    num = float(my_var)
    # Calling float on my_var failed, it must not be a 
    # string representation of a number!
    num = 0

i.e. instead of carefully inspecting the string contained my_var to determine whether we can convert it to a number, the Pythonic approach is to simply try and convert it to a number and handle the case that that fails in an except block.

Common Standard Library modules: os and sys

We’ve already encountered os and sys in the introductory notes. However, there are some common uses of os and sys functions that merit special mention.

File-name operations: os.path

When, generating full file-paths, or extracting file directory locations, we could potentially use simple string manipulation functions.

For example, if we want to determine the folder of the path string "C:\Some\Directory\Path\my_favourite_file.txt" we might think to split the string at the backslash character “" and return all but the last element of the resulting list (and then put them together again). However, not only is this tedious, but it is also then platform dependent (Linux and MacOS use forward-slashes instead of back-slashes).

Instead, it is much better to use the os.path submodule to

Getting command-line input using sys.argv

sys.argv is a list of command line arguments (starting with the script file name) - you can access it’s elements to get command line inputs.

To test and play with this you can simply add the lines

import sys

to the top of any (or an empty) script, and run the script. If you follow the script file name by (a space and then) additional words, you will see these words appear in the terminal output as being contained in sys.argv.

Exercise : Quick test of sys.argv

Create a new script ( and firstly make it print out the arguments it was passed from the command line.

Next have the script try to convert the first argument (after the script filename) into a number and print out the square of the number. If the first input was not a number, have it print an message letting the user know.

Run your script with several inputs (after the script file name) to confirm it works.

A more complete description of command line inputs is provided in the optional “additional advanced Python” section, for those requiring more information and more advanced command line input options.

String formatting

Another common Python task is creating strings with formatted representations of numbers.

You should already know that the print function is good at printing out a variety of data types for us. Internally, it creates string representations of non-string data before printint the final strings to the terminal.

To control that process, we often perform what is know as string formatting. To create a format string use the following special symbols in the string

We can also specify additional formatting contraints in these special codes. For example to create a fixed length integer representation of a number we might use

print( "%.8d"%99 )

which outputs 00000099 to the terminal; i.e. the .8 part of the code meant : “always make the number 8 characters long, (appending zeros as necessary).

NOTE: The new way of doing this is to use the format member function;


though the old way also still works!

For additional format string options in the context of the newer format string method, see the documentation here.


Comprehensions are losely speaking shorthand ways to quickly generate lists, dictionaries, or generators (see later) from relatively simple expressions.

Consider a for loop used to generate a list that holds the squares of another list:

list1 = [10, 20, 30, 40]
list2 = []
for val in list1:
    list2.append( val * val ) # or equivalently val ** 2

The last 3 lines can be neatly replaced using a list comprehension:

list1 = [10, 20, 30, 40]
list2 = [val*val for val in list1]

That’s it! Simple, clean, and easy to understand once you know how.

In words what this means is: “set list2 to : a new list, where the list items are equal to val*val where val is equal to each item in list list1. list2 will then be equal to [100, 400, 900, 1600]. The list comprehension can work with any type of item, e.g.

list3 = ["spam", "and", "eggs"]
list4 = [ thing.capitalize() for thing in list3 ]

would set list4 equal to ["Spam", "And", "Eggs"].

Similarly you can generate a dictionary (nb. dictionaries are created with braces, aka curly brackets) comprehension

words = ['the', 'fast', 'brown', 'fox']
lengths = {word : len(word) for word in words }

(this generates the dictionary {'the':3, 'fast':4, 'brown':5, 'fox':3} assigned to lengths)

The last example is using tuple syntax (re: tuples are defined using parentheses, aka round brackets),

list1 = [10, 20, 30, 40]
gen   = ( val * val for val in list1)

but the crucial difference is that gen is not a tuple (nor a list). It is a generator object, which we will learn about below.

Adding logic to comprehensions

Comprehensions can also include simple logic, to decide which elements to include. For example, if we have a list of files, we might want to filter the files to only include files that end in a specific extension. This could be done by adding an if section to the end of the comprehension;

# e.g. file list 
file_list = ["file1.txt", "", "file3.tif", "file4.txt"]
text_files = [f for f in file_list if f.endswith("txt")]

This code would result in the variable text_files holding the list ["file1.txt", "file4.txt"] - i.e. only the strings that ended in “txt”!

Exercise : Reading a file with a comprehension

Create a new script file (“”) and add code to load the comma separated value data that we used in the Introductory exercises on loading data ( available here: data_exercise_reading.csv).

You after opening the file, you should skip the first row as before, and then load the numerical data for the second column (“Signal”) directly into a list, using a list comprehension, not a for-loop. Then use the built-in function sum (which operates on iterables) to print the sum as well as len to print the number of elements.

Context managers : with

A context manager is a construct to allocate a resource when you need it and handle any required cleanup operations when you’re done.

One of the most common examples of where context managers are useful in Python is reading/writting files.

Instead of

fid = open('filename.txt')
for line in fid:

we can write

with open('filename.txt') as fid:
    for line in fid:

Not only do we save a line of code, but we also avoid forgetting to close the file and potentially running into errors if we were to try and open the file again later in the code.

Context managers are also used in situations such as in the threading module to lock a thread, and can in fact be added to any function or class using contextlib.

If you’re interested in advanced uses of context managers, see e.g.

Otherwise, other than switching to using with when opening files, you probably won’t encouter them too often!

Useful built-in global variables : __file__, __name__

I sneakily introduced some built-in global variables during the Introductory workshop material - apologies to those of you who wondered what they were and where they came from!

The reason I used these variables (namely __file__ and __name__), was to make things easier with respect to accessing the current script’s file name, and creating a section of code that would only run if the script was being run as a script (i.e. not being imported to another script), respectively.

Firstly a note about naming; the built-in variables are named using two leading and trailing underscores (__), which in Python is the convention for letting other developers know that they shouldn’t change a variable.

This is because other modules and functions will likely also make use of these variables, so if you change their values, you might break these other modules and functions!

Now that these built-in variables have been introduced and their naming explained, which built-in variables are available, and what are they useful for?

these are a few of the most commonly used variables.

A brief overview of Objects in Python: The “why” of member functions

You have already used modules in Python. To recap; a module is a library of related functions which can be imported into a script to access those functions.

Using a module, e.g. the build-in os module to access operating-system related functionality, is as simple as adding

import os

to the top of your script.

Then, a module function is accessed using the dot (“.”) notation:


would for example return the directory listing for the current working directory.

However, you have also seen dot notation used when accessing functions that we’ve referred to as member functions. A member function refers to a function that belongs to an object.

For example, the built-in function open returns a file object. This file object has member functions such as readlines which is used to read the entire contents the file into a list.

The reason we are talking about objects is to stress the difference between a module function like os.listdir, and a member function e.g.

the_best_file = open("experiment99.txt")
data = the_best_file.readlines() 

Another example of a member function that we’ve already used is append, which is a member function of list objects. E.g. we saw

list_out = []  # Here we create a list object 
for val in list_in:
    list_out.append(val*val)    # Here we call the member-function "append"

As long as we are happy that there are modules which are collections of functions, and independently there are objects which roughly speaking “have associated data but also have member functions”, we’re ready to start learning about one of the most important libraries available to researchers, Numpy.


Before diving into Numpy in the next section, it’s worth drawing attention to IPython for those of you who haven’t tried it yet.

On Anaconda/WinPython this can be started by opening the IPython Qt Console application. If Anaconda/WinPython isn’t registered with Windows (i.e. you can’t find it in the Start Menu), you can try using the file explorer to navigate to the Anaconda/WinPython folder (possibly “C:\Anaconda” or “C:\WinPython”) and start the “IPython Qt Console” application.

Ipython QtConsole

IPython provides an interactive console which is ideal for testing snippets of code and ideas when developing.

Please note however that while IPython is a great tool it should be just that and resist the temptation to abandon writing your code in scripts!

If you try and write anything vaguely complex in the IPython console, you will quickly find yourself in a pickle when it comes to indentation levels etc, and keeping track of what you did!

In addition variables are all kept in memory making it easy to make mistakes by using a previously defined variable.

In short, IPython is a great tool when used correctly - don't abuse it!

Exercise : Getting familiar with IPython

For this exercise, instead of writing a script, you’re going to start IPython and get familiar with how to test mini-snippets of code there.

Start the IPython QtConsole, and in the interactive Python session, create variables that hold

print your variables to confirm that they hold the required data.

Lastly, type the name of your variable holding the list, then a dot (.) and then press tab.

You should see IPython’s tab completions system pop-up with a list of possible methods. Append the value 66 to the end of the list.

This quick practice of IPython QtConsole operations should get you started in being able to use the console to test small snippets of code!

Numerical Analysis with Numpy

Numpy is probably the most significant numerical computing library (module) available for Python.

It is coded in both Python and C (for speed), providing high level access to extremely efficient computational routines.

Basic object of Numpy: The Array

One of the most basic building blocks in the Numpy toolkit is the Numpy N-dimensional array (ndarray), which is used for arrays of between 0 and 32 dimensions (0 meaning a “scalar”).

For example,

matrix 1d is a 1d array, aka a vector, of shape (3,), and matrix 2d is a 2d array of shape (2, 3).

While arrays are similar to standard Python lists (or nested lists) in some ways, arrays are much faster for lots of array operations.

However, arrays generally have to contain objects of the same type in order to benefit from this increased performance, and usually that means numbers.

In contrast, standard Python lists are very versatile in that each list item can be pretty much any Python object (and different to the other elements), but this versatility comes at the cost of drastically reduced speed.

Creating Arrays

ndarrays can be created in a number of ways.

From Python objects

Numpy includes a function called array which can be used to create arrays from numbers, lists of numbers or tuples of numbers.



creates the 1d array [1,2,3], and number (scalar) 7 (albeit as an ndarray!).

Nested lists/tuples produce higher-dimensional arrays:

numpy.array([[1,2], [3,4]])

creates the 2d array

[[1 2]
 [3 4]]

NB: you can create arrays from dicts, lists of strings, and other data types, but the resulting ndarray will contain those objects as elements (instead of numbers), and might not behave as you expect!

Predefined arrays

There are also array creation functions to create specific types of arrays:

numpy.zeros((2,2))  # creates  [[ 0 0]
                    #           [ 0 0]]

numpy.ones(3)       # creates [ 1 1 1 ]

numpy.empty(2)      # creates [  6.89901308e-310,   6.89901308e-310]

NB: empty creates arrays of the right size but doesn’t set the values which start off with values determined by the previous memory content!

Random numbers

numpy.random contains a range of random-number generation functions.

Commonly used examples are

numpy.random.rand(d0, d1, ..., dn) # Uniform random values in a given shape, in range 0 to 1
numpy.random.randn(d0, d1,...,dn) # Standard normally distributed numbers (ie mean 0 and standard deviation 1)

Loading data from files

One to two dimensional arrays saved in comma-separated text format can be loaded using numpy.loadtxt:

arr2d = numpy.loadtxt('filename.csv', delimiter=",")    # The default delimiter is a space!

Similarly an array can be saved to the same format:

numpy.savetxt('filename.csv', arr2d_2, delimiter=",")    # The default delimiter is a space!)

Numpy also has an internal file format that can save and load N-dimensional arrays,

arrNd = numpy.load('inputfile.npy')

and'outputfile.npy', arrNd2)

NOTE: As usual, full paths are safer than relative paths, which are used here for brevity.

However, these files are generally not usable with other non-python programs.

Exercise : Create and save an array

Create a new script (“”) where you create and save a normally distributed random 1d array with 1000 values.

The array should have an offset (~mean value) of 42 and a standard deviation of 5.

Save the array to a csv file, (remember to set the delimiter to “,”) in your scripts folder, called “random_data.csv”.

Add a final line to the script that uses the os module’s listdir function to print csv files contained in the scripts folder.

Working with ndarrays

Once an array has been loaded or created, it can be manipulated using either array object member functions, or numpy module functions.

Member functions

ndarrays are objects as covered briefly in the last section, and have useful attributes (~ data associated with the array):

ndarray.flags   Information about the memory layout of the array.
ndarray.shape   Tuple of array dimensions.
ndarray.strides Tuple of bytes to step in each dimension when traversing an array.
ndarray.ndim    Number of array dimensions.    Python buffer object pointing to the start of the array’s data.
ndarray.size    Number of elements in the array.
ndarray.itemsize    Length of one array element in bytes.
ndarray.nbytes  Total bytes consumed by the elements of the array.
ndarray.base    Base object if memory is from some other object.

ndarray.dtype   Data-type of the array’s elements.

ndarray.T   Same as self.transpose(), except that self is returned if self.ndim < 2.
ndarray.real    The real part of the array.
ndarray.imag    The imaginary part of the array.
ndarray.flat    A 1-D iterator over the array.
ndarray.ctypes  An object to simplify the interaction of the array with the ctypes module.

as well as many useful member-functions including:

ndarray.reshape : Returns an array containing the same data with a new shape.
ndarray.resize  : Change shape and size of array in-place.
ndarray.transpose (or ndarray.T) : Returns a view of the array with axes transposed.
ndarray.swapaxes : Return a view of the array with axis1 and axis2 interchanged.
ndarray.flatten  : Return a copy of the array collapsed into one dimension.
ndarray.squeeze  : Remove single-dimensional entries from the shape of a.

ndarray.sort    : Sort an array, in-place.
ndarray.argsort : Returns the indices that would sort this array.
ndarray.diagonal: Return specified diagonals.
ndarray.nonzero :  Return the indices of the elements that are non-zero.

ndarray.argmax  : Return indices of the maximum values along the given axis.
ndarray.min : Return the minimum along a given axis.
ndarray.argmin  : Return indices of the minimum values along the given axis of a.
ndarray.ptp : Peak to peak (maximum - minimum) value along a given axis.
ndarray.clip    : Return an array whose values are limited to [min, max].
ndarray.conj : Complex-conjugate all elements.
ndarray.round : Return array with each element rounded to the given number of decimals.
ndarray.trace  : Return the sum along diagonals of the array.
ndarray.sum    : Return the sum of the array elements over the given axis.
ndarray.cumsum  : Return the cumulative sum of the elements along the given axis.
ndarray.mean    : Returns the average of the array elements along given axis.
ndarray.var : Returns the variance of the array elements, along given axis.
ndarray.std : Returns the standard deviation of the array elements along given axis.    : Return the product of the array elements over the given axis 
ndarray.cumprod : Return the cumulative product of the elements along the given axis.
ndarray.all : Returns True if all elements evaluate to True.
ndarray.any : Returns True if any of the elements of a evaluate to True.

including arithmetic operations on array elements:

+   Add 
-   Subtract 
*   Multiply 
/   Divide 
//  Divide arrays ("floor" division)
%   Modulus operator 
**  Exponent operator (`pow()`)  

# Logic
&   Logical AND
^   Logical XOR
|   Logical OR 
~   Logical Not

# Unary 
-   Negative 
+   Positive 
abs Absolute value
~   Invert 

and comparison operators

==  Equals
<   Less than 
>   More than 
<=  Less than or equal
>=  More than or equal
!=  Not equal

Non-member functions

Additional functions operating on arrays exist, that the Numpy developers felt shouldn’t be included as member-functions. These include

# Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
numpy.sin       : Sine 
numpy.cos       : Cosine
numpy.tan       : Tangent 
# And more trigonometric functions like `arcsin`, `sinh`

# Statistics 
numpy.median    : Calculate the median of an array
numpy.percentile : Return the qth percentile
numpy.cov       : Calculate the covariance matrix
numpy.histogram : Compute the histogram of data (does binning, not plotting!) 

# Differences
numpy.diff      : Element--element difference 
numpy.gradient  : Second-order central difference

# Manipulation 
numpy.concatenate : Join arrays along a given dimension 
numpy.rollaxis  : Roll specified axis backwards until it lies at given position
numpy.hstack    : Horizontally stack arrays
numpy.vstack    : Vertically stack arrays
numpy.repeat    : Repeat elements in an array
numpy.unique    : Find unique elements in an array

# Other
numpy.convolve  : Discrete linear convolution of two one-dimensional sequences
numpy.sqrt      : Square-root of each element
numpy.interp    : 1d linear interpolation

Exercise : Trying some Numpy functions

Let’s practice some of these Numpy functions.

Create a new script (“”), and create a 1d array with the values -100, -95, -90, … , 400 (i.e. start -100, stop 400, step 5). Call the variable that holds this array taxis as it corresponds to a time axis.

Now, generate a second, signal array (e.g. sig) from the first, consisting of two parts:

Lastly combine the two 1d arrays into an 2d array, where each 1d array forms a column of the 2d array (in the order taxis, then sig).

Save the array to a csv file, (remember to set the delimeter to “,”) in your scripts folder, called “growth_data.csv”.

List the script folder csv files as before to confirm that the file has been created and is in the correct location.

Accessing elements

Array elements can be accessed using the same slicing mechanism as lists; e.g. if we have a 1d array assigned to arr1 containing [5, 4, 3, 2, 1], then

Similarly higher dimensional arrays are accessed using comma-separated slices.
If we have a 2d array;

a = numpy.array([[ 11, 22],
                 [ 33, 44]])

(which we also represent on one line as [[ 11, 22], [ 33, 44]]), then

The same logic is extended to higher-dimensional arrays.

Using binary arrays (~masks)

In addition to the slice notation, a very useful feature of Numpy is logical indexing, i.e. using a binary array which has the same shape as the array in question to access those elements for which the binary array is True.

Note that the returned elements are always returned as a flattened array. E.g.

arr1 = np.array([[ 33, 55], 
                 [ 77, 99]])
mask2 = np.array([[True, False], 
                 [False, True]])
print( arr1[ mask2 ]) 

would result in

[33, 99]

being printed to the terminal.

The usefulness of this approach should become apparent in a later exercise!

Exercise : Load and analyze data

Write a new script to

Dealing with NaN and infinite values

Generally speaking, Python handles division by zero as an error; to avoid this you would usually need to check whether a denominator is non-zero or not using an if-block to handle the cases separately.

Numpy on the other hand, handles such events in a more sensible manner.

Not a Number

NaNs (numpy.nan) (abbreviation of “Not a Number”) occur when a computation can’t return a sensible number; for example a Numpy array element 0 when divided by 0 will give nan.

They can also be used can be used to represent missing data.

NaNs can be handled in two ways in Numpy;

For example, if we want to perform a mean or maximum operation, Numpy offers nanmean and nanmax respectively. Additional NaN-handling version of argmax, max, min, sum, argmin, mean, std, and var exist (all by prepending nan to the function name).

When a pre-defined NaN-version of the function you need doesn’t exist, you will need to select only non-NaN values; e.g.

allnumbers = np.array([np.nan, 1, 2, np.nan, np.nan])

# We can get the mean already
print(np.nanmean(allnumbers))                                 # Prints 1.5 to the terminal 

# But a nan version of median doesn't exist, and if we try 
print(np.median( allnumbers ))                              # Prints nan to the terminal 
# The solution is to use
validnumbers = allnumbers[ ~ np.isnan(allnumbers) ]
print(np.median( validnumbers ))                            # Prints 1.5 to the terminal 

To Infinity, and beyond…

Similarly, a Numpy array non-zero element divided by 0 gives inf, Numpy’s representation of infinity.

However, Numpy does not have any functions that handle infinity in the same way as the nan-functions (i.e. by essentially ignoring them). Instead, e.g. the mean of an array containing infinity, is infinity (as it should be!). If you want to remove infinities from calculations, then this is done in an analogous way to the NaNs;

allnumbers = np.array([np.inf, 5, 6, np.inf])
print(allnumbers.mean())                                # prints inf to the terminal
finite_numbers = allnumbers[ ~np.isinf(allnumbers) ] 
print(finite_numbers.mean())                            # prints 5.5 to the terminal 

Tip: np.isfinite for both

np.isfinite will return an array that contains True everywhere the
input array is neither infinite nor a NaN.

Next steps: Visualization helps!

Now that we have a basic understanding of how to create and manipulate arrays, it’s already starting to become clear that producing numbers alone makes understanding the data difficult.

With that in mind then, let’s start working on visualization, and perform further Numpy analyses there!

Plotting with Matplotlib

In the last section we were introduced to Numpy and the fact that it is a numerical library capable of “basic” numerical analyses on Arrays.

We could use Python to analyse data, and then save the result as comma separated values, which are easily imported into e.g. GraphPad or Excel for plotting.

But why stop using Python there?

Python has some powerful plotting and visualization libraries, that allow us to generate professional looking plots in an automated way.

One of the biggest of these libraries is Matplotlib.

Users of Matlab will find that Matplotlib has a familiar syntax.

For example, to plot a 1d array (e.g. stored in variable arr1d) as a line plot, we can use

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt       

Reminder: aliases

Here we used the alias (as) feature when importing matplotlib to save having to type matplotlib.pyplot each time we want to access the pyplot sub-module’s plotting functions!


In the following notes, most of the time when I refer to “matplotlib’s X function” (where X is changeable), I’m actually referring to the function found in matplotlib.pyplot, which is matplotlib’s main plotting submodule.

The show function

What’s going on here?

The plot function does just that; it generates a plot of the input arguments.

However, matplotlib doesn’t (by default) show any plots until the show function is called. This is an intended feature:

It is possible to change this feature so that plots are shown as soon as they are created, using matplotlib’s ion function (~ interactive on).

Creating new figures with figure

Often we need to show multiple figures; by default calling several plot commands, one after the other, will cause each new plot to draw over previous plots.

To create a new figure for plotting, call

# Now we have a new figure that will receive the next plotting command

A short sample of plot types

Matplotlib is good at performing 2d plotting.

As well as the “basic” plot command, matplotlib.pyplot includes

bar             : Bar plot (also barh for horizontal bars)
barb            : 2d field of barbs (used in meteorology)
boxplot         : Box and whisker plot (with median, quartiles)
contour         : Contour plot of 2d data (also contourf - filled version)
errorbar        : Error bar plot
fill_between    : Fills between lower and upper lines
hist            : Histogram (also hist2d for 2 dimensional histogram)
imshow          : Image "plot" (with variety of colour maps for grayscale data)
loglog          : Log-log plot
pie             : Pie chart
polar           : Polar plot
quiver          : Plot a 2d field of arrows (vectors)
scatter         : Scatter plot of x-y data
violinplot      : Violin plot - similar to boxplot but width indicates distribution

Rather than copying and pasting content, navigate to the Matplotlib Gallery page to view examples of these and more plots.

You’ll find examples (including source code!) for most of your plotting needs there.

Exercise : Simple plotting

First of all, let’s practice plotting 1d and 2d data using some of the plotting functions mentioned above.

Create a new script file (“”), and start off by loading and creating some sample data sets:

Create the following plots and display them to the screen

Customizing the figure

Most plotting functions allow you to specify additional keyword arguments, which determine the plot characteristics.

For example, a the line plot example may be customized to have a red dashed line and square marker symbols by updating our first code snippet to

plt.plot(arr1d, '--', color="r", markerstyle="s")

(or the shorthand plt.plot(arr1d, "--r"))

Axis labels, legends, etc

Additional figure and axes properties can also be modified. To do so, we need to access figure/axis respectively.

To create a new (empty) figure and corresponding figure object, use the figure function:

fig1 = plt.figure()
# Now we can modify the figure properties, e.g.
# we can set the figure's width (in inches - intended for printing!)
# Then setting the figure's dpi (dots-per-inch) will determine the 
# number of pixels this corresponds to... 
fig1.set_dpi(300)       # I.e. the figure width will be 3000 px!

If instead we wish to modify an already created figure object, we can either get a figure object by passing it’s number propery to the figure function e.g.

f = plt.figure(10) # Get figure number 10

or more commonly, we get the active figure (usually the last created figure) using

f = plt.gcf()

Axes are handled in a similar way;

ax = plt.axes()

creates a default axes in the current figure (creates a figure if none are present), while

ax = plt.gca()

gets the current (last created) axes object.

Axes objects give you access to changing background colours, axis colours, and many other axes properties.

Some of the most common ones can be modified for the current axes without needing to access the axes object as matplotlib.pyplot has convenience functions for this e.g.

plt.title("Aaaaarghh")          # Sets current axes title to "Aaaaarghh"

plt.xlabel("Time (s)")          # Sets current axes xlabel to "Time (s)"
plt.ylabel("Amplitude (arb.)")  # Sets current axes ylabel to "Amplitude (arb.)"

# Set the current axes x-tick locations and labels
plt.yticks( numpy.arange(5), ('Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry', 'Sally', 'Sue') )

A note on style

Matplotlib’s default plotting styles are often not considered to be desirable, with critics citing styles such as the R package ggplot’s default style as much more “professional looking”.

Fortunately, this criticism has not fallen on deaf ears, and while it has always been possible to create your own customized style, Matplotlib now includes additional styles by default as “style sheets”.

In particular, styles such as ggplot are very popular and essentially emulate ggplot’s style (axes colourings, fonts, etc).

The style may be changed before starting to plot using e.g.'ggplot')

A list of available styles may be accessed using

(on the current machine this holds : ['dark_background', 'fivethirtyeight', 'bmh', 'grayscale', 'ggplot'])

You may define your own style file, and after placing it in a specific folder ( “~/.config/matplotlib/mpl_configdir/stylelib” ) you may access your style in the same way.

Styles may also be composed together using['ggplot', 'presentation'])

where the rules in the right-most style will take precedent.

Exercise : trying a new style

Repeat the simple plotting exercise with the "ggplot" style; to do this, copy and paste the code from the simple plotting exercise but add the code to change the style to the ggplot style before the rest of the code.

3d plotting

While matplotlib includes basic 3d plotting functionality (via mplot3d), we recommend using a different library if you need to generate “fancy” looking 3d plots.

A good alternative for such plots isa package called mayavi.

However this is not included with WinPython and the simplest route to installing it involves installing the Enthough Tool Suite (

For the meantime though, if you want to plot 3d data, stick with the mplot3d submodule.

For example, to generate a 3d surface plot of the 2d data (i.e. the “pixel” value would correspond to the height in z), we could use

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z)

where X, Y, Z are 2d data values.

X and Y are 2d representations of the axis values which can be generated using utility functions, e.g. pulling an example from the Matplotlib website,

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
X = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.25)
Y = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.25)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
R = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)
Z = np.sin(R)
surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm,
                       linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
ax.set_zlim(-1.01, 1.01)


fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5)

3d plot demo

Saving plots

Now that we have an idea of the types of plots that can be generated using Matplotlib, let’s think about saving those plots.

If you call the show command, the resulting figure window includes a basic toolbar for zooming, panning, and saving the plot.

However, as a Pythonista, you will want to automate saving the plot (and probably forego viewing the figures until the script has batch processed your 1,000 data files!).

The command to save the currently active figure is


Alternatively, if you store the result of the plt.figure() function in a variable as mentioned above you can subsequently use the savefig member-function of that figure object to specifically save that figure, even if it is no longer the active figure; e.g.

fig1 = plt.figure()

# Other code that generates more figures
# ...


Note on formats: Raster vs Vector

The filename extension that you specify in the savefig function determines the output type; matplotlib supports

as well as several others.

The first two formats are known as raster formats, which means that the entire figure is saved as a bunch of pixels.

This means that if you open the resulting file with an image viewer, and zoom in, eventually the plot will look pixelated/blocky.

The second two formats are vector formats, which means that a line plot is saved as a collection of x,y points specifying the line start and end points, text is saved as a location and text data and so on.

If you open a vector format file with e.g. a PDF file viewer, and zoom in, the lines and text will always have smooth edges and never look blocky.

As a general guideline, you should choose to mainly use vector file (pdf, eps, or svg) output for plots as they will preserve the full data, while raster formats will convert the plot data into pixels.

In addition, if you have vector image editing software like Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator, you will be able to open the vector image and much more easily change line colours, fonts etc.

Other annotations

We already saw how to add a title and x and y labels; below are some more examples of annotations that can be added.

You could probably guess most of what the functions do (or have guessed what the function would be called!):

plt.title("I'm a title") # Note single quote inside double quoted string is ok!
plt.xlabel("Time (${\mu}s$)")       # We can include LaTex for symbols etc... 
plt.ylabel("Intensity (arb. units)")

plt.legend("Series 1", "Series 2")

plt.colorbar()      # Show a colour-bar (usually for image data). 

# Add in an arrow
plt.arrow(0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, head_width=0.05, head_length=0.1, fc='k', ec='k')

The last command illustrates how as with most most plotting commands, arrow accepts a large number of additional keyword arguments (aka kwargs) to customize colours (edge and face), widths, and many more properties.

Exercise : comparing raster and vector formats

Create a new script file ( and create a simple line plot of y=x^2 between x=-10 and x=10.

Add in labels for the x and y axis; call the x axis, "x (unitless)" and the y axis “y = x^2” (see if you can figure out how to render the squared symbol, i.e. a super-script 2; those of you familiar with LaTex should find this easy!).

Save the plot as both a png and pdf file, and open both side-by-side. Zoom in to compare the two formats.


There are two common approaches to creating sub-plots.

The first is to create individual figures with well thought out sizes (especially font sizes!), and then combine then using an external application.

Matplotlib can also simplify this step for us, by providing subplot functionality. We could, when creating axes, reposition them ourselves in the figure. But this would be tedious, so Matplotlib offers convenience functions to automatically lay out axes for us.

The older of these is the subplot command, which lays axes out in a regular grid.

For example

plt.subplot(221)        # Create an axes object with position and size for 2x2 grid
plt.title("Axes 1")

plt.title("Axes 2")

plt.title("Axes 3")

plt.title("Axes 4") 

Note that the subplot command uses 1-indexing of axes (not 0-indexing!). The above could be simplified (at least in some scenarios) using a for-loop, e.g.

# datasets contains 4 items, each corresponding to a 1d dataset... 
for i, data in enumerate(datasets):
    plt.title("Data %d"%(i+1))

Recently, Matplotlib added a new way of generating subplots, which makes it easier to generate non-uniform grids.

This is the subplot2grid function, which is used as follows,

ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((3,3), (0,0), colspan=3)
ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((3,3), (1,0), colspan=2)
ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((3,3), (1, 2), rowspan=2)
ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((3,3), (2, 0))
ax5 = plt.subplot2grid((3,3), (2, 1))

would generate grid plot (without the labels!)

Exercise : Adding subplots and insets

Download the image from here: Image File.

Create a new script (“”), and

  1. Load the image using matplotlib.pyplot’s imread convenience function
  2. The image may be loaded into a 3d array - RGB(A) - if so, convert it to grayscale my taking the mean of the first 3 colour channels
  3. Create a grid of 3 plots, with the following shape
| c 8x2 |
|       || |
|   b   ||a|
|  8x6  || |
|       || |


Next create a similar subplot figure but this time, instead of performing maximum projections along the x and y axes, generate the following mean line-profiles:

Scipy : Additional scientific computing modules

Numpy is one of the core modules of the Scipy “ecosystem”; however, additional numerical routines are packages in the separate scipy module.

The sub-modules contained in scipy include:

While we don’t have time to cover all of these submodules in detail, we will give a introduction to their general usage with a couple of exercise and then a sample project using a few of them to perform some 1d signal processing.

Exercise : Curve fitting

Curve fitting represents a relatively common research task, and fortunatley Python includes some great curve fitting functionalities.

Some of the more advanced ones are present in additional Scikit libraries, but Scipy includes some of the most common algorithms in the optimize submodule, as well as the odr submodule, which covers the more elaborate “orthogonal distance regression” (as opposed to ordinary least squares used in curve_fit and leastsq).

Load the data contained in the following file


and use the scipy.optimize.curve_fit or scipy.optimize.leastsq (least-squares) fitting function (curve_fit calls leastsq but doesn’t give as much output!) to generate a line of best fit for the data. You shold evaluate several possible functions for the fit including

Generate an estimate of the goodness of fit to discriminate between these possible models.

Bonus section

Try the same again with the following data (you should be able to just change the filename!)


You should find that the goodness of fit has become worse. In fact the algorithm used by Scipy’s optimize submodule is not always able to determine which of the models fits best.

Try using the scipy.odr submodule instead; a guide for how to do this can be found here

Exercise : Interpolating data

Another common use of Scipy is signal interpolation.

Background : Interpolation

Interpolation is often used to resample data, generating data points at a finer spacing than the original data.

A simple example of interpolation is image resizing; when a small image is resized to a larger size, the “in-between” pixel values are generated by interpolating their values based on the nearest original pixel values.

Typical interpolation schemes include nearest, linear, and spline interpolation of various degrees. These terms denote the functional form of the interpolating function.

  • nearest neighbor interpolation assigns each interpolated value the value of the nearest original value
  • linear interpolation assigns each interpolated value the linearly weighted combination of the neighbouring values; e.g. if the value to be interpolated is 9 times closer to original point B than original point A, then the final interpolated value would be 0.1A + 0.9B.
  • Spline interpolation approximates the region between the original data points as quadratic or cubic splines (depending on which spline interpolation order) was selected.

Download the data from here:


and use “linear” interpolation to interpolate the data to increase so that the new “x axis” has five times as many points between then original limits (i.e. you’ll resample the data to 5 times the density).


Run the interpolation with “quadratic” and “cubic” interpolation also (it helps if your interpolation code was in a function!), and you should see much better results!

Guided exercise: Signal analysis

As you may not have a background in signal processing, as our last exercise, we’ll you through the process instead of leaving you to generate the code from scratch.

Download the wav file (uncompressed audio) from here Wav File.

This sound file will be the basis of our experimentation with some of the additional Scipy modules

Loading data : contains file reading functionality to load Matlab .mat files, NetCDF, and wav audio files, amongst others.

We will use the wavfile submodule to load our audio file;

import as scwav
data, rate ="audio_sample.wav")

Next we can inspect the the loaded data using a plot (plotting just the first 500 values),

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Create a "time" axis array; at present there are
# `rate` data-points per second, as rate corresponds to the
# data sample rate.
Nsamples = len(data)
time_axis = np.arange(Nsamples)/rate
plt.plot( time_axis[:500], data[:500])

We should see an audio trace that looks something like Audio trace

If you have headphones with you and play the audio, you’ll hear a noisy, but still recongnizable sound-bite.

Let’s see if we can improve the sound quality by performing some basic signal processing!

Cleaning the data using : scipy.signal

There are a host of available 1d filters available in Scipy. We’re going to construct a simple low-pass filter using the firwin function;

import scipy.signal as scsig

# Calculate the Nqyist rate
nyq_rate = rate / 2.
# Set a low cutoff frequency of the filter: 1KHz
cutoff_hz = 1000.0
# Length of the filter (number of coefficients, i.e. the filter order + 1)
numtaps = 29
# Use firwin to create a lowpass FIR filter
fir_coeff = scsig.firwin(numtaps, cutoff_hz/nyq_rate)

# Use lfilter to filter the signal with the FIR filter
filtered = scsig.lfilter(fir_coeff, 1.0, data)

# Write the filtered version into an audio file so we can see
# if we can hear a difference!
scwav.write("filtered.wav", rate, filtered)

While “manual” verification by listening to the filtered signal can be useful, we would probably want to also analyze both the original signal and the effect the filtering has had.

Spectral analysis : scipy.fftpack and scipy.signal

To analyze a 1d filter, we often generate a periodogram, which essentially gives us information about the frequency content of the signal. The perriodogram itself is a power-spectrum representation of the Fourier transform of the signal; however, this is not a detailed course in 1d signal processing, so if you have no idea what that means then don’t worry about it!

For sound signals, the periodogram relates directly to the pitches of the sounds in the signal.

Let’s generate and plot a periodogram using scipy:

f, Pxx = scsig.periodogram(data.astype(float), rate)
plt.semilogy(f, Pxx)
plt.xlabel('frequency [Hz]')
plt.ylabel('PSD [V**2/Hz]')
f, Pxx = scsig.periodogram(filtered.astype(float), rate)
plt.semilogy(f, Pxx)
plt.xlabel('frequency [Hz]')
plt.ylabel('PSD [V**2/Hz]')

Original frequency content Final frequency content

For those wanting more control over the spectral analysis, the fftpack submodule offers access to a range of Fast-Fourier transform related functions.

Performing the spectral analysis shows us that the signal did indeed contain a high frequency noise component that the filtering should, at least to some degree have helped remove.

Optional Sections

Having completed the sections the core Scipy Stack modules, namely Numpy, Scipy, and Matplotlib, you will now be fully equipped to perform data analysis using Python.

However, there are additional core and non-core Scipy packages that might be of use to some of you, as well as non-Scipy packages, for example related to creating user interfaces.

Some of these additional modules are outlined in the following sections. They are intended as optional sections of this workshop, as they are of narrower focus and you will therefore most likely not find all of them useful.

You are encouraged to pick and choose the sections that you deem to be useful for your work and focus on those.

R-like data analysis with Pandas

Pandas (pandas) provides a high-level interface to working with “labeled” or “relational” data. This is in contrast to Numpy that deals with raw matrices / arrays, and leaves any tracking of “labeling” up to the developer.

More specifically, pandas is well suited for:

Series and Data-frames

To deal with these datasets, Pandas uses two main objects: Series (1d) and DataFrame (2d).

R users familiar with the data.frame concept will find that the Pandas DataFrame provides the same functionality plus more.

Reading data from CSV or Excel files

To create a DataFrame object from data in a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file, Pandas, provides a simple loading function:

df = pandas.read_csv('data.csv')

Similarly a table of data can be read from an Excel Worksheet using

df = pandas.read_excel('workbook.xlsx')

with optional (keyword) arguments like sheetname, header, skiprows to handle specifying the sheet to load, where column labels (headers) should be read from, and how many rows to skip before reading (for tables that start part-way down a spreadsheet).

Getting and Inspecting data

DataFrames contain utility member functions such as head, tail, and describe to provide a view of the initial rows, last rows, and a summary of the data they contain.

Specific rows/columns can be queried using column headers, e.g. if a DataFrame contains the headers ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] then column A can be returned as a 1d Series using


Standard Python slice notation may also be used to select rows, e.g.


selects the first 3 rows of the DataFrame.

Exercise : Loading and inspecting data

Load and inspect the sample data from the following file

Excel data


Pandas can handle strings in tables of data, as well as numerical values.

For example if we have information such as

Filename,   Cells,  keywords
file1.tif,    120,  normal, rod-shaped
file2.tif,     98,  lysed
file3.tif,     40,  large, rod-shaped
file4.tif,    101,  spotty, rod-shaped

in an Excel spreadsheet, this could be loaded into a DataFrame as described above, and subsequently we can access the keywords column and query which files contained “rod-shaped” cells:

keywords = pd['keywords']       # Select keywords column as Series
is_rod_shaped = keywords.str.contains("rod-shaped") 

Slicing the first few rows would give:



file1.tif,   True 
file2.tif,   False
file3.tif,   True 
Name: keywords, dtype: bool

Using string methods like contains allows us to easily incorporate string information from tables of data.

For further examples of the types of string operations available see here (a table of available methods is included at the bottom of the linked page).

Cleaning messy data

When working with data that has been entered by using third-party software, or via manual entry, we often encounter entries that are not readily usable within a numerical workflow.

Examples include numbers that are parsed as strings because of mistakes such as accidentally being entered as 10.0.1 (extra “.” at the end), and “NaN” values that are represented using other notation (e.g. “NA”, “??”).

Luckily Pandas import functions like read_csv include keyword arguments for specifying what nan values look like (na_values).

For example, if the data includes “NA” and “?”, we would use something like

df = pandas.read_csv("file1.csv", na_values=["NA", "??"])

If we need to deal with erroneous representation of numbers, we can first load the data as strings, and then parse the strings into the correct format;

df = pandas.read_csv("file1.csv", na_values=["NA", "??"], 
        dtype={"Column 10":str})

specifies that the series labeled “Column 10” should be handled as strings, and subsequently

num_dots = df['Column 10'].str.count("\.")      # Need backslash because count treats "." as regex wildcard otherwise!
wrong_strings = df['Column 10'][num_dots > 1]
right_strings = wrong_strings.str[-1::-1].str.replace("\.", "", n=1).str[-1::-1]
df['Column 10'][num_dots > 1] = right_strings

The unwieldly looking second-last expression is so long because the string method replace only acts from left to right, so we needed to sandwich it in the str[-1::-1] bits to reverse the string and then unreverse it, as we stated above that the first “.” was the correct one!


When working with system timestamps expressed in terns of seconds (e.g. Unix timestamps), e.g.

Filename,   Creation time
data1.xlsx,    1387295797
data2.xlsx,    1387295796
data3.xlsx,    1387295743
data4.xlsx,    1387295743

we can easily convert these into datetime data types using:

df['Creation time'] = pandas.to_datetime( df['Creation time'], unit='s')

to produce

Filename,   Creation time
data1.xlsx,    2013-12-17 15:56:37 
data2.xlsx,    2013-12-17 15:56:36
data3.xlsx,    2013-12-17 15:55:43
data4.xlsx,    2013-12-17 15:55:43

We can even now use string-like comparison to compare dates!

df = df[df['Creation time'] > '1970-01-01']

(this example selects all rows as they were all created since 1970!).

Plotting a column

Once loaded as described in the previous section, a dataframe can be plotted using pandas.DataFrame interface to matplotlib;


plots each series (column) of the DataFrame as a separate line.

Exericse : Plot the loaded data

Plot the data that was loaded in the previous exercise.

Saving to CSV or Excel

Much in the same way as a DataFrame be easily loaded from a CSV or Excel file, it can be written back just as easily:


Note: to_csv is a member-function of the DataFrame object, while read_csv was a module-level function of the pandas module.

Scikit-Image : Image Processing with Python

You might remember from the list of sub-modules contained in `scipy` that it includes `scipy.ndimage` which is a useful Image Processing module. However, `scipy` tends to focus on only the most basic image processing algorithms. A younger module, Scikit-Image (`skimage`) contains some more recent and more complex image processing functionality. For real-world applications, a combination of both (and/or additional image processing modules) is often best. > ## Image Processing: A general overview > > While a full introduction to computational image processing is beyond the > scope of this workshop, below we include some of the main concepts. > > An image is a regular grid of pixel values; a grayscale image will > correspond to a 2d array of values and a colour (RGB) image can be > represented by a 3d array of values, where the dimension corresponding to > colour is of size 3, one per colour channel (sometimes an opacity value is > also included as a 4th colour channel, usually denoted "A" for Alpha). > > ### Segmentation > > As images are just matrices, most of image processing is concerned > with extracting information from these > matrices. However, scenes captured in images are often complex > meaning that they are composed of background(s), foreground objects, > and often several other features. Consequently taking whole-matrix > quantities (like mean, median) is rarely sufficient. > > Instead, we usually need to **segment** an image into regions > corresponding to foreground, which means > objects that we're interesed in, and background which corresponds > to everything else. > > ### Analysis > > Once an image has been segmented, further processing might be > required (such as splitting touching foreground objects). > The final stage in an image processing workflow is to use the > segmentation results to extract quantities of interest. > > These final segmentations can also form the basis of advanced algorithms > such as tracking algorithms if the images are part of a time-series (~film). ## Using Scikit-Image To load get started with Scikit-Image, import the submodule (the core module is called `skimage`) of interest. For example to load an image from file, we would use the `io` submodule; ```py import as skio ``` ### Loading data with `` ```py im1 = skio.imread("SIMPLE_IMAGE.png") imstack1 = skio.imread("FILENAME.TIF", plugin="tifffile") ``` Here I first showed a simple image being read from file using the default `imread` function, followed by a second call using the `plugin` keyword set to `"tifffile"`, which causes `imread` to use the `tifffile` module. This allows us to handle multi-page (i.e. multi-stack) tiff files. `imread` returns a numpy array of either 2 or 3 dimensions, depending on the file type. We can then use any normal Numpy operation we wish on the array; e.g. ```py # Lets output the mean image pixel value print("The mean of the PNG image is :") print( im1.mean() ) print("The mean of the TIFF stack (whole stack!) is:") print( imstack1.mean() ) ``` ### Displaying data As we're dealing with Numpy arrays, we can use Matplotlib's imshow function to display an image (much as we did during the Matplotlib exercises); ```py import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.imshow(im1) ``` Alternatively, the Scikit-Image team have also added image display functions directly to `skimage`; ```py import skimage.viewer as skview skview.ImageViewer( im1) ``` `skimage.viewer` is not as full-featured as `matplotlib`, though new functions and features are added regularly. ### Getting started with some image-specific processing : basic segmentation The most basic form of segmentation we can apply is to set a manual threshold. This is akin to using ImageJ's threshold interface and manually positioning the threshold position. ```py the_mask = im1 > 100 ``` and that's it! Thresholding is that simple; as `im1` is a Numpy array, this line will create a **boolean array** stored in the variable `the_mask`, where each element is `False` if the value of `im1` at the corresponding location was <= 100, or `True` otherwise. We can confirm this by viewing our new mask array; ```py plt.imshow(the_mask) ``` In fact, we can easily overlay the mask on the original image, by using the `alpha` keyword argument to `imshow`, which sets the transparency of the image being show; ```py plt.imshow(im1, cmap="gray") # Also set the cmap to gray plt.imshow(the_mask, alpha=0.4) # `the_mask` will be overlaid on `im1` with # an opacity of 0.4 (maximum 1.0 = fully opaque). ``` We haven't really used any image processing functions; let's remedy that by automatically determining the threshold value (instead of using a number like `100` that was plucked from thin air!). One of the most common image thresholding algorithms, which you may know from ImageJ, is the Otsu automatic threshold determination algorithm. To use this in `skimage`, we import the `filters` submodule; ```py import skimage.filters as skfilt thresh_val = skfilt.threshold_otsu(im1) ``` at this point, `thresh_val` will hold a single number, which was determined by the Otsu algorithm to the threshold between what it considered to be background and foreground pixel intensity values. We would then generate a mask in the same way as before; ```py new_mask = im1 > thresh_val ``` and can continue to perform our next round of image processing operations. ### Connected component analysis : `skimage.measure.label` While having a binary forefound-background mask is a great first step we are often concerned with multiple objects In such scenarios, it is usually useful to be able to subsequently determine per-object quantities, where object is often taken to meaning "connected group of foreground pixels". Both `scipy.ndimage` and `skimage.measure` include a connected-component labelling function called `label`; they work in very similar ways, but **be careful** that there are subtle differences between. Basically though, they both work to assign unique labels to each group of connected foreground pixels (i.e. connected regions of `1`s in the mask array). ```py object_labels = skmeas.label(new_mask) ``` ### Analysis : measuring object sizes and other quantities Now that we know how to get foreground masks that correspond to individual objects, let's start extracting some useful quantities. As performing these kinds of information extractions is such a common task, `skimage.measure` contains a convenience function called `regionprops` (which has the same name as the Matlab equivalent function in Matlab's add-on Image Processing toolbox). `regionprops` generates a list of `RegionPropery` objects (collections of properties), which we can then examine. For example ```py some_props = skmeas.regionprops(object_labels) # e.g. let's see the area for the first object print( some_props[0].area ) ``` We can also collect specific properties (for plotting, e.g.), by using a list comprehension (or a for loop); ```py areas = [p.area for p in some_props] ``` #### Manually extracting region properties If the property we are interested in is not present in the output of `regionsprops`, we can also calculate the propery ourselves. There are several relatively straight-forward ways of doing this, namely to use a utility function like `scipy.ndimage`'s `labeled_comprehension` or alternatively a list comprehension or for loop over the label values. For example we could get the object areas using ```py areas= [ (object_labels == l).sum() for l in range(1, object_labels.max()+1) ] ``` or equivalently ```py areas = [] for l in range(1, object_labels.max() + 1): current_obj = object_labels == l areas.append( current_obj.sum() ) ``` ### Additional segmentation: The Watershed transform Often the actual objects represented in our images touch (or appear to), causing them to be labelled by the same label during the connected component analysis. In these types of scarios, might be able to use an algorithm known as the Watershed transform to split touching objects. Note however, that this won't solve all situations with touching objects, and in some situations the objects simply won't be resolvable, whilst in others a different strategy for splitting object might be needed. To apply the watershed transform, import the `skimage.morphology` submodule, ```py import skimage.morphology as skmorph import scipy.ndimage as ndi # First generate a distance transformed image dist = ndi.distance_transform_edt(im1) # Next generate "markers": regions we are sure belong to different objects local_maxi = peak_local_max(dist, indices=False, footprint=np.ones((3, 3)), labels=new_mask) markers = ndi.label(local_maxi)[0] # Lastly call the watershed transform - it takes the distance transform # and the markers as inputs (plus optionally the new_mask to delineate objects # from background) new_labels = skmorph.watershed(-dist, markers, mask=new_mask) ``` ### Exericse : Counting and measuring "blobs" Now that we've covered some of the core image processing techniques, let's put them into practice in this prolonged exercise. Download the image file from here: (from > **NOTE** > > This data was saved as JPG which is a compressed image format that uses > **lossy compression**; but remember - > > **KEEP YOUR RAW DATA IN UNCOMPRESSED FORMAT**. > > (or lossless compression such as PNG where appropriate). * Use the segmentation method outlined above to count the number of nuclei (big blue-green blobs) in the image * Also create a histogram of their size distribution * Try and see if you can find out how to *not include nuclei touching the edges* **Bonus** * As is usually the case, your segmentation will most likely not 100% match your "mental model" of how it should look as the data is not perfect! See if you can find a filter or combination of filters that enhance your final segmentations. * Count the number of dark spots inside each cell and plot the distribution of dark spot number. * Use either a limit on minimal size or some other technique to include only dark spots above 3x3 pixels in size (as smaller dark spots are likely to be noise). ### Additional exercises? Image processing techniques are specific to the task being tackled; the previous exercise, while possibly being of interest to some of you, will by no means be useful to all. Instead of working on additional contrived exercises, please now try and perform image processing that is useful to you using your own data (or find similar data online).

Creating Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) with QT in Python

There are several GUI frameworks that one can use when working with Python; one of the most actively developed and widely supported is PyQt (now PyQt5).

What is Qt?

Qt is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OS X, Android and others) application framework - it does more than generate UI widgets and dialogs, but that is one of it’s biggest use scenarios.

Qt has been developed by several companies (Trolltech, Nokia, Digia), and as a result is a very mature library with a large user-base.

As mentioned, Qt does much more than creating GUI elements, including Networking, Multimedia, SQL (database), and Webkit (web content rendering), with add-on modules for things like Bluetooth and NFC, Hardware sensors, and GPS positioning service access.

A sample…


This is the kind of application that can be written with PyQt. In fact, even the Matplotlib plot windows that you have been using use PyQt (and it is possible to embed these “widgets” in bigger PyQt applications).

There are many other examples - see here for a few : .

We will focus on using Qt for relatively simple GUI creation tasks for now though!

Hello world (with Qt)

We will begin by creating a simple Hello, World program.

The main component of any PyQt5 application is the QApplication object. Usually this is passed command-line arguments using sys.argv:

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

Next we create all windows, dialogues etc, and then call app.exec_() (often wrapped in sys.exit to capture the return code):

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

w = QWidget()
w.resize(400, 200)
w.setWindowTitle("Hello, World!")

sys.exit( app.exec_() )

Hello, World - from PyQt

What happened here? PyQt (and the underlying Qt C++ library) work with classes, and GUI elements are connected with an event-driven interface using “signals” and “slots”.

What we did in the code above is to

Pre-made dialogs

However, before we start learning about writing custom file saving dialog, or colour selection widget, be aware that common dialogs like these have already been created for us!

Along with simple message and warning boxes, Qt provides very simple ways to get a file name or file list from the user as well as colour, time, and others like Font selection input, and progress.

Example: QFileDialog

As an example of how easy using one of these dialogs can be, consider the case of wanting to get a file name from the user, for an existing file that will then be opened by the program.

It turns out that this is a simple “one-liner” in PyQt5 (after imports and creating the QApplication object).

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QFileDialog

app = QApplication([])
# NOTE: This time we don't need to start the event loop!
filename = QWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName()

or, adding a little more customization,

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QFileDialog

app = QApplication([])
filename = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, "Select Image file", "", "Images (*.tif)")


While it’s not immediately apparent, this code exposes an additional intricacy related to classes/objects. We didn’t have to create a QFileDialog object, in order to be able to use getOpenFileName which is a member function of the QFileDialog class. This is because getOpenFileName is a special type of member function, called a static member function. Roughly speaking, unlike a normal member function that has access to object data (remember an object is an instance of a class), static member functions operate at the class level, meaning that they don’t have access to any object-specific data.

Exercise : Getting an output folder location

Try and find out how to create a dialog that show’s a typical “select folder” interface (which we might use for example to get a user to select the output destination for a script).

Once the output folder has been selected, create a simple text file in the folder called dummy_data.txt, containing the text "Hello! I'm a dummy data file!"

Creating custom dialogs

Our Hello World example contained some of the most basic elements of a QT application; the QApplication object and a simple widget. However, most of the time we want to use common widgets like buttons and text areas. Most of these are predefined in QT, and we will list some below.

Before we do however, let’s quickly learn about how these widgets are going to talk to each other and actually do stuff!

Signals and Slots

In the QT framework, when a button is pressed, or a text field edited, a signal is emitted by the corresponding widget.

To get our application to do something when that signal is emitted, we need to connect the signal to a slot.

Let’s see how this is done in our first example of adding a GUI element.

Adding standard GUI elements

Now that we can display a simple dialog, it’s time to add in some simple GUI elements (aka widgets).


import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QPushButton

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

w = QPushButton("Press me")
w.resize(400, 200)

def my_first_slot():
    print("I got clicked!")


sys.exit( app.exec_() )

As we can see we replaced the QWidget with a QPushButton instance.

Also as mentioned in the section above on signals and slots, we added a function to act as a slot which we then connected to the QPushButton’s clicked signal, by calling clicked.connect on the QPushButton object, and passing the function we want to be the slot as the first argument.

The QPushButton object’s most commonly used (built-in) signal is clicked for when the button is clicked; others include pressed for when the button is pressed down, and released when the button is released.

For more details about signals and slots in general, see here:

The full list of class functions etc for the QPushButton can be found here


The PyQt5 documentation mainly links to the Qt5 (C++) documentation, as PyQt5 simply “wraps” the C++ library. This means that most of the C++ functions and classes are “roughly the same” as the Python versions.

Edit box

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLineEdit

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

w = QLineEdit("I can be edited!")
w.setWindowTitle("line edit")

def show_change(text):
    print("CHANGED: ", text)


sys.exit( app.exec_() )

List box & Select box

A list box (QListBox) displays a list of data that can be selected, while a select box QComboBox shows a button which when clicked presents a drop-down list.

Slider & Spinners

Sliders (QSlider) and spinners (QSpinBox) are used to set numerical data; both have minimum and maximum values, though spinners also (optionally) allow arbitrary number input.

Progress bar

A progress bar (QProgressBar) is a visual feedback of the progress of a processes; we’ve doubtlessly all spent some amount of time watching little bars filling!

QProgressBars can be determinate (ie showing a concrete value) or indeterminate, in which case the indicator slides back and fore to indicate that the exact progress is unknown.


So far we have shown single widgets in their own windows. However, most User Interfaces have more complex layouts.

Laying out widgets in Qt can be achieved in one of two main ways

For small to medium complexity layout projects, coding the layout directly is often faster than using the layout designer, and we will focus on this approach here.

While we can position widgets using “absolute positioning” within a dialog, this is not usually recommended as e.g. resizing the dialog will result in a strange looking layout.

Instead, using “layouts” is preferred, as these automate much of the positioning, and reposition widgets if the window is resized.

Horizontal & Vertical

The two most basic layouts are horizontal (QHBoxLayout) and veritcally (QVBoxLayout) aligned widgets.

Note that layouts can be nested, meaning that the first item in a vertical layout can be a horizontal layout etc.


In order to create a grid of widgets, Qt provides a useful QGridLayout class.

Advanced layouts

Even more advanced layouts are possible through the use of e.g. the QMainWindow class, which provides a main widget area, a menu area, toolbar area etc.

Exercise : build your own!

Instead of telling you to build some dialog with widgets and functionality that has no relevance to you, try and think of a simple(ish) GUI project to get started with PyQt; if you’re struggling for inspiration, start off by copying and slightly editing the examples listed above.

If you’re really stuck, then try the following:

NOTE: you will need matplotlib.interactive(True) in order to use Matplotlib with PyQt (it stops Matplotlib trying to start it’s own event loop!).

Flask : A Python based micro web framework

Flask is a nifty module that has a peculiar origin :

“It came out of an April Fool’s joke but proved popular enough to make into a serious application in its own right.” Armin Ronacher - Creator of Flask

Despite it’s humble beginnings, Flask has grown into an extremely versatile web application framework, and is used for both tiny web server projects up to serious multi-developer projects used by a large userbase.

Web basics

The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) has a number of request methods. The oldest and most common is GET which is often used to simply retrieve data from the server.

The other common method is POST, used for e.g. “posting” data to the server.

Additional methods include PUT, DELETE, HEAD, PATCH and several more.

Why Flask?

So why might we be interested in writing a web-application? In essence this comes down to “why might we be interested in a centralized user interface model”?

From my experience, the answer is that there are use-cases where developing and distributing traditional User Interfaces is not a good model.

For example, you might want to provide users access to data that you don’t want to have replicated each time a new user wants to access it.

Alternatively you might be actively developing the application used, and not want to continuously remind users to upgrade to the latest version of your software.

Even when you don’t have users, you might prefer to develop a server interface so that you don’t have to carry data around with you to conferences / when away from the office.

Whatever the reason web interfaces are growing in popularity, and the Python community has responded to that demand.

Other popular web frameworks for Python include Django, Pyramid, CherryPy, and Web2Py to name but a few.

Sample responses

The following iframes show embedded, real-time responses from a running Flask application server.

Basic response : /

One of the most basic respones is a simple line of text showing that the server is working correctly.

<iframe height=100 src=””></iframe>

URL data : /42

Passing information as a URL parameter is one of the simplest ways of transfering data to the server.

This response shows that the information is received on the server, and the generated response incorporates this data.

<iframe height=100 src=””></iframe>

Interactivity: /power

One of the most common ways of interacting with a server is via a form; this response displays a form; and subsequently generates a response from the GET parameters - parameters that get passed into the request url in a special format.

<iframe height=100 src=””></iframe>

Displaying a dynamically generated plot: /plot

In order to use web interfaces for science, we need to integrate scientific content; in this case a simple plot is generated dynamically each time the page is visited and rendered in the response.

<iframe width=400 height=400 src=””></iframe>

Displaying a dynamically generated image: /random

In addition to generating line plots of 1d data, we can generate 2d data and display it using images/heatmaps.

<iframe width=400 height=400 src=””></iframe>

Displaying a plot with a javascript plotting library: /plotly

In-browser visualizations are becoming increasingly sophisticated and able to rival native desktop applications.

Plotly incorporates the powerful d3.js vector graphics library and (on top of webGL) to bring a large range of scientific plots and visualizations to the browser.

<iframe height=400 width=800 src=””></iframe>

<iframe height=800 width=800 src=””></iframe>

Getting started with Flask

Getting Flask to display a “Hello, World” style message is really easy!

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
    return 'Hello World!'

if __name__ == '__main__':

A quick dissection:

A route is a url that the application will render; the “root” url is rendered when no additional relative url path is given.

E.g. when we navigate to the Exeter university domain:

we get the home page. This is at the root of the domain.

If we then click on the research link, we are directed to the relative path /research/ (the full url is, and are displayed new content that pertains to research being done at the university.

Exercise : Your first route

Create a new script and copy and paste the code above.

Edit the root (aka home) rendering function to display the text


Welcome to YOURNAME's site

(replace YOURNAME with your name)

Note that you can’t use newline characters (“\n”) as these don’t create line breaks in web-pages; instead use the html code for a line break :


Next, add another route at “/about” that renders a small information text explaining that this site is part of a python exercise.

Reacting to user requests

Via url get parameters: Variable routes

As well as static routes, Flask makes it’s easy to add routes that accept variables, such as


ie one or more numerical fields, or string fields.

The syntax for adding a variable route like this is straight-forward

def show_user_profile(project_id):
    return 'You selected project %d' % project_id

If no converter is specified (int above), the variable will be passed in as a string. The converter can be one of int, float, path, which will convert the strint to integers, floating point numbers, or a path (i.e. string which can include a forward-slash).

Exercise : A scientific visualization

Create a flask app similar to the “Hello, world” sample, but add in a route that generates and serves a randomly generated sequence of number and smoothes those numbers using a gaussian filter (you will need to refer back to the Numpy and Scipy sections!).

Add in a variable to the route, to allow the user to specify the width (sigma) for the gaussian smoothing.

Bonus section

Also generate a plot of the data as well as the smoothed line, and serve the plot. There are two main ways to do this; either create a real file, and serve that, or generate an in memory file and convert the in-memory file to a base-64 encoded string; the base-64 encoded string can be embedded in the returned string and will show up as an image.

Adding user interface elements

While not technically part of learning about Flask, one of the motivations for using Flask is to provide a user interface for our users.

As such, it’s worth pointing out, that many of the standard classical GUI elements have HTML equivalents;

The <input> element provides input boxes for:

In addition, there’s a select tag for defining a drop down list, progress for displaying a progress bar, and libraries such as JQuery-UI or Bootstrap define many more user interface elements.

In terms of graphical elements, in addition to the img tag for static images and the video tag to stream videos, there also a drawable canvas tag for general 2d graphics, which now also supports 3D graphics support via the WebGL specification.

Additional concerns

Using Sessions to store and retrieve information

The internet (meaning the HTML protocol in this case) is often referred to as stateless. This means the the state of information is not automatically retained between refreshes of a site (or navigation between child pages).

Instead, website developers have to use either client-side or server-side methods to store information between these operations.

Most heavy-duty state storage is done via server databases, but small pieces of information are often stored on the client (i.e. by your browser); the main place such information is stored is in cookies.

To start storing information between page calls in Flask, we’re going to use the session storage object, which can be accessed as if it were a dictionary (i.e. using keys to access values.

As an example, if we modify the home route of the initial example as follows

from flask import Flask, session
app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = 'SUPERSECRETKEY'

def hello_world():
    if "visits" not in session:
        session["visits"] = 1
        session["visits"] += 1
    return 'Hello World! (%d times)'%num

if __name__ == '__main__':

We will see

Hello World! (1 times)

when we first visit the site.

However, if we press refresh, we will get

Hello World! (2 times)

, 3 times on the next and so on.

Beyond basic Flask

While generating data and responding to input using a “traditional” server model works and is how many websites still operate, most modern websites now incorporate a reactive element.

This means that instead of a classic request-response cycle (updated to include the AJAX model of not refreshing a whole page), many sites now use websockets, which provide bi-directional messaging between client and server to allow for real-time update of browser content.

Flask extensions exist to work with websockets, allowing developers to create truly reactive experiences.

Tornado (Python) and NodeJS (which allows for a pure Javascript developement environment instead of switching between a server-side language like Python or Ruby, and client-side Javascript) both offer websockets as default.

Lastly, meteor, which is built “on top” of NodeJS, is a single source web application framework which aims to provide an environment for seamlessly writing web applications where the distinction between and server and client is virtually removed.

Using a front-end Javascript framework

Initially websites were mainly displays of static information, and any interactivity was afforded by sending information back to the server (via a form), and having a new, but equally static page returned (containing mainly static HTML elements and text).

However as well as rendering these HTML elements, the front-end of modern web-applications are “brought to life” by Javascript, which provides the majority of the dynamical aspects to web apps.

Initially this was done through pure Javascript, followed by the massively popular JQuery library which provided quick and convenient methods for dynamical (client-side) webpage manipulations.

More recently, impressive client-side frameworks have emerged, such as Google’s AngularJS, Backbone.js, Ember.js, and React by Facebook and Instagram. These add either a full Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework to the front-end of a website, or parts of it.

The MVC architectural pattern for implementing user interfaces centres around dividing “… a given software application into three interconnected parts, so as to separate internal representations of information from the ways that information is presented to or accepted from the user”.

In short, instead of the client receiving mostly static pages, nowadays most larger websites offer full client-side web applications that are essentially programs running inside browsers, which still synchronize data back and fore with the server.

There are several Flask extensions that make working with such frameworks straightforward, such as Flask-Resful for creating a RESTful web app “endpoint”, as well as template projects showing how to combine Flask with e.g. Angular.

If you would like to know more about getting started with writing a full web application, drop me an email and I’ll give you some tips on how to get started!

Web-scraping: retrieving and processing web resources

There are many reasons why we might want to retrieve data from the internet, particularly as many academic research resources are becoming increasingly available online.

Examples include gene sequence databases for a range of organism (flybase, fishbase FIND URLS), image databases for computer vision benchmarking and/or training machine learning based systems (URLS), analyzing academic publication databases such as the ArXiV preprint server (URL), to name but a few.

Retrieving a web page

Python makes retrieving online data relatively simple, even when just using the Standard Library! In fact, we did just that for one of the introductory exercises, though you were instructed to “blindly” copy and paste the relevant (two!) lines of code:

import urllib.request
text = urllib.request.urlopen("").read().decode('utf8')

The Standard library module in question, urllib, contains a submodule request with the urlopen function that returns a file-like object (i.e. that has a read member function) which we can use to access the web resource, which in the case of the exercise was a remotely hosted text file.

No robots…

Servers have the ability to deny access to their resources to web robots i.e. programs that scour the internet for data, such as spiders/web crawlers. One way of doing this is to the robots.txt file located at the url.

For the purpose of our academic exercise, we’re going to identify ourselves as web browsers, such that we gain access to such resources.

To do so, we need to set the user-agent associated with our request, as follows:

import urllib.request
req = urllib.request.Request(
		"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36"
text = urllib.request.urlopen(req).read().decode("utf-8")

Finding data in a page

When interfacing with web-pages, i.e. HTML documents, things get a little more tricky as the raw data contains information about the web-page layout, design, interactive (Javascript) libraries, and more, which make understanding the page source more difficult.

Fortunately there are Python modules for “parsing” such information into helpful structures.

Here we will use the lxml module.

To turn the difficult to understand text into a structured object, we can use

from lxml import html
import urllib.request
url = 
text = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf8')
htmltree = html.fromstring(text)

The htmltree variable holds a tree structure that represents the web-page.


For more information about the node structure of HTML documents, see e.g.

For more general information about HTML see

Now the the raw text has been parsed into a tree, we can query the tree.

Query expressions

To find elements in the html tree, there are several mechanisms we can use with lxml.

Css Selector style expressions

CSS selector expressions are applied using cssselect and correspond to the part of the CSS that determines which elements the subsequent style specificiations are applied to, in a web page’s CSS (style) file.

For example, to extract all divs, we would use

divs = htmltree.cssselect("div")

or to get all hyperlinks on a web page,

hrefs = [a.attrib('href') for a in htmltree.cssselect("a")]


XPath (from XML Path Language) is a language for selecting nodes from an XML tree.

A simple example to retrieve all hyperlinks (as above) would be:

hrefs = htmltree.xpath("//a/@href")

A quick and simple approach to determining a specific xpath expression for a given element, you can inspect the corresponding element using e.g. Google Chrome’s inspect option when right clicking on a web-page element.

In the element view, right click and select Copy > Copy XPath.

More information about the XPath syntax can be found here:

Exercise : Pulling tabulated data from a website

Write a script that

Important notes

Passing simple data to the server: URL encoded arguments

Very simple data passing to the server is often done in the form of URL parameters.

Whenever you have seen a url that looks like, e.g.

(feel free to click on the link!) you are passing information to the server.

In this case the information is the form of two variables, ie=UTF-8 and q=python. The first is presumably inforation about the encoding that my browser requested, and the second is the query term I had asked for, in this case from Google.

Simple URL arguments follow an initial question mark, ?, and are ampersand (&) separated key=value pairs.

Google uses a fragment identifier, which starts at the hash symbol # for the actual query part of the request, q=python.

For such websites, passing data to the server is a relatively simple task of determining which query parameters the site takes, and then encoding your own.

For example if we create a list of search terms

terms = [
	"python image processing",
	"python web scraping",
	"python data analysis", 
	"python graphical user interface",
	"python web applications",
	"python ploting",
	"python numerical analysis",
	"python generators",

we could generate valid search URLs using

baseurl = ""
urls = [ baseurl + t.replace(" ", "+") for t in terms ]

for url in urls:
	# Perform request, parse the data, etc

Here we simply determined the “base” part of the URL and then added on the search terms, replacing the human readable spaces with the “+” seperators.

urllib also provides a function to perform this parameter encoding for us,

data = {'name' : 'Joe Bloggs', 'age': 42 }
url_values = urllib.parse.urlencode(data)



For complicated encodings, this is certainly better than manually generating the parameter string.

Making POST requests

So far we have been dealing with what are known as GET requests.

GET was the first method used by the HTTP protocol (i.e. the Web).

Nowadays there are several more methods that can be used:

Most of these are relatively technical methods; the POST method, hoewever, is in widespread usage as the standard mechanism to send data to the server.

POST requests are commonly associated with forms on web pages. Whenever a form is submitted, a POST request is made at a specific URL, which then elicits a response.

Many web-based resources use forms to retrieve data.

Luckily for us, making a POST request is relatively straight forward with Python; the tricky part is usually determining the POST parameters.

For example, to POST data to Exeter Universities phone directory ( we could use

import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
url = ""
data = urllib.parse.urlencode({"page":"1", "fuzzy":"0", "search":"Jeremy Metz"}).encode("utf-8")
req = urllib.request.Request( url, data=data ) 
text = urllib.request.urlopen(req).read().decode("utf-8")

Alternatives to urllib

urllib comes with Python and is relatively straight forward to use. There are however alternative libraries that achieve the same tasks, such as request, which aims to be a simple alternative to urllib.

For full web crawling tasks, scrapy is a popular web spider/crawler library, but is beyond the scope of this section.

Dealing with Javascript rendered objects

Many modern websites use Javascript to generate generate content dynamically.

This makes things trickier when we try to scrape data from such pages, as the raw page text doesn’t contain the data we want!

Ultimately, we will need to run the Javascript to generate the data we want, and there are several options for doing so, including

Webkit, mentioned above, is the layout engine component used in many modern browsers like Safari, Google Chrome, and Opera (Firefox, on the other hand uses an equivalent engine called Gecko).

As an example, the site contains a javascript generated list of archives.

Using PyQt5 we can pull this list using

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl
from PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets import QWebPage
from lxml import html

#Take this class for granted.Just use result of rendering.
class Render(QWebPage):
  def __init__(self, url): = QApplication(sys.argv)

  def _loadFinished(self, result):
    self.frame = self.mainFrame()

url = ''
r = Render(url) 
result = r.frame.toHtml()
htmltree = html.fromstring(result)
archive_links = htmltree.xpath('//div[2]/div[2]/div/div[@class="campaign"]/a/@href')

Additional advanced Python

The following concepts are less frequently needed than those in the first section of this workshop.

However they are nonetheless useful for certain scenarios, and included here for those of you who might find them useful.

Installing modules

You should already be familiar with how to use a module, and all of the modules that you will need for this workshop are included in the WinPython install.

However, for completeness we will briefly mention the simple install process for new modules; using pip.

pip comes as standard with Python as of 3.4, and allows you to search the online Python Package Index (PyPI) as well as install packages from PyPI.

From the command line, we can

NOTE (Windows):

If the pip executable isn’t recognized by the terminal the above commands can be replaced by e.g. python -m pip search memory.

Note however, that unless the module is only reliant on Python, the install process may run into dependency problems (e.g. needing a C++ development environment to be set up in order to compile included C++ code).

Command-line arguments & interaction

Command line arguments : sys.argv

Python can read inputs passed to it on the command line by using the sys module’s argv attribute (module variable):


If we place that statement in a file (called, e.g. “”), and run the file with Python as usual:


the output would be the list [ "" ]; i.e. the first element of argv (which is a list), is always the name of the script. Subsequent command-line arguments (separated by spaces) will appear as additional elements in the list.

For example if we call the script with

python Hello 2 you

the output (contents of sys.argv) would be ["test_inputs", "Hello", "2", "you"].

This highlights that all command line inputs are interpreted as strings; if you wish to pass in a number, you would need to convert the string to a number using either float(STRING) or int(STRING), where STRING could be "2", "3.14", or sys.argv[2] if the 2nd command line argument (after the script name) were a number.

Advanced command-line input interfaces

More advanced command-line input interfaces can be created by using a module such as argparse which allows for

Interactive input : input

As well as generating terminal output with the print function, we are also able to read input from the terminal with the input function; for example

some_stuff = input("Please answer yes or no:")

would cause the script (when run), to pause, display the prompt text (i.e. the first argument to the input function), and then wait for the use to enter text using the keyboard. Text entry would finish when the enter key is pressed.

Advanced interactive input

More advanced interactive terminal interfaces are also possible with Python. The cmd module, for example, allows the creation of interactive commands session, where the developer maps functions he has written to “interactive commands” which the user can then call interactively (including features such as interactive help, tab-completion of allowed commands, and custom prompts.

Decorators : Applying functions to functions

A decorator is a way to “dynamically alter the functionality of a function”. On a practical level, it amounts to passing a function into another function, which returns a “decorated” function.

Why would we want to do such as thing?

Consider the following simple example; we have a number of functions that generate return values;

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

def subtract(a, b):
    return a - b

def multiply(a, b):
    return a * b 

def divide(a, b):
    return a / b 

Now we want a clean and simple way of turning all of these functions into more “verbose” versions, which also print details to the terminal.

For example when we call add( 10, 2) we want the terminal to read:

Adding 10 and 2 results in 12

Without knowing about decorators, we might think we need to re-write all of our functions. But, as our modification is relatively straight forward to turn into an algorithm, we can instead create a decorator function:

def verbose(func):
    def wrapped_function(a, b):
        # Access the special __name__ attribute to get a function's name
        name   = func.__name__      
        result = func(a,b)
        print("%sing %0.2f and %0.2f results in %0.2f"%(name, a, b, result))
        return result
    return wrapped_function

which we the use to decorate our previous function definitions:

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

def subtract(a, b):
    return a - b

def multiply(a, b):
    return a * b 

def divide(a, b):
    return a / b 

E.g. then calling each of these on 10 and 2 as inputs gives:

adding 10.00 and 2.00 results in 12.00
subtracting 10.00 and 2.00 results in 8.00
multiplying 10.00 and 2.00 results in 20.00
divideing 10.00 and 2.00 results in 5.00

Note that the decorator syntax, where we use the @ symbol followed by the decorator function name, and then define the function to be decorated, is the same as

add = verbose(add)

i.e. we are calling the decorator function (here called verbose) on the input function (add), which returns a wrapped version of add, and we assign it back into add.

The reason that the decorator syntax (@) was created is that the core Python developers decided that having to first define a function and then apply the decorating syntax would be confusing, especially when dealing with large function definitions or class methods (yes, decorators can also be applied to class methods!).

Lambdas : ~ One-line function definitions

A quick but useful additional python construct is the lambda. Lambdas a one-line function definitions, which can be extremely useful to remove the need to create a full function definition for an almost trivial function.

Let’s look at an example of when this might be useful.

There is an in-built function called filter that is used to filter lists; the help doc for filter is:

filter(function or None, iterable) --> filter object

Return an iterator yielding those items of iterable for which function(item)
is true. If function is None, return the items that are true.

Given a list of files, we might want to use this function to select only files ending in a specific extension.

However, to do so we need to pass in a function that takes a filename as an input and returns True or False indicating if the filename ends in the desired extension. We could now go ahead and define such a function, but it really is a trivial function and a more efficient approach is to use a lamba:

# e.g. file list 
file_list = ["file1.txt", "", "file3.tif", "file4.txt"]
text_files = filter( lambda f : f.endswith("txt"), file_list)

Another example of a function that requires another function as an input is non-standard sorting using sorted, in which case we can pass in a custom “key” function that is used to extract a sort “key” from each item:

print( sorted(["10 kg", "99 kg", "100 kg"] )) 
print( sorted(["10 kg", "99 kg", "100 kg"] , key=lambda k : float(k.split()[0]) )) 


['10 kg', '100 kg', '99 kg']
['10 kg', '99 kg', '100 kg']

Generators and the yield statement

A generator is something that is iterable, and yet the values that are iterated over do not all exist in memory at the same time.

In fact, those of you who attended the Introductory course will have seen a generator without knowing it, when we covered reading data from a file, and you should have just made use of this above above!

There, the last method shown for iterating over a file was (roughly)

for line in open("filename.txt"):

However, what we didn’t mention, was that this approach provides sequential access to the file being read meaning that only one line of the file is loaded into memory per iteration.

This is in contrast to

lines = open("filename.txt").readlines()
for line in lines:

where we read all of the file into memory using readlines. Under the hood, a file object is a generator, meaning that for each iteration in for line in <fileobject> the file object yields the next line of the file.

Similarly, the last comprehension expression we encountered, i.e. the tuple comprehension, yields the value of each list item squared, without loading all of the new values into memory.

This may seem like a technicality, but can be extremely useful in memory-critical situations.

Any function where we iterate over something can be converted to a generator; instead of creating a list/tuple etc in the function we we use the yield statement instead of return at the end of the function.

For example consider a simple squared function that takes a list and generates a new list of squared values:

def squared(list_in):
    list_out = []
    for val in list_in:
        list_out.append(val * val)
    return list_out

To convert this into a generator function we might write

def squared(list_in):
    for val in list_in:
        yield val * val

Running the first version through a memory-profiler,

In [1]: %memit l1 = squared(range(10000000))
peak memory: 391.05 MiB, increment: 367.12 MiB

we see that we create almost 400MB of data in memory by running the traditional function (as we’ve created 10,000,000 numbers - and each is quite a bit larger than the 8 bytes needed for the value alone as Python objects are more than just data!)

By using the generator version of the function instead, we get

In [2]: %memit l2 = squared(range(10000000))
peak memory: 23.80 MiB, increment: 0.10 MiB

i.e. very little additional memory is used!

Can we still use the resulting generator as we would a list? The answer is, most of the time… by which I mean that many functions where we don’t need the list to be all in-memory will work, e.g.


will output 333333283333335000000, but only once, as generators are iterable once and only once.

If we want to call another function on the generator, we would need to recreate it (i.e. set e.g. l2 = squared(10000000) again).

The bottom line is that generators are useful for specific memory-critical functionalities, such as working with data that is too large to fit in memory.

Exercise : Using generators

Create a script file (“”) to evaluate the sum of the squares of the first 1,000,000,000 integers (1 billion or 10E9).

As this is a large number you will at best be barely able to store all of these values in memory at the same time (if each integer were represented using 64 bit / 8 byte this would require at least 8 GB RAM, which is roughly the total amount of RAM a standard current standard desktop PC has!).

NOTE: This will take a couple of minutes to execute!.

While you’re waiting for this to finish running, it’s worth mentioning that the equivalent functionality in C++ is about 20 times faster; but getting C++ to do this is significantly more difficult (even for such a relatively simple task) as it involves using the non-standard __int128 compiler extension, which requires creating a custom output stream operator (to print the result to the screen)!

Nonetheless, for problems involving very simple operations repeated many many times, lower level languages such as C++ may be better suited.

Luckily for us, we don’t need to choose! We can have our cake and eat it…

Beyond Pure Python: When and how

Low-level language purists argue that Python is extremely slow compared with e.g. C, C++, Fortran, or to a lesser extent, Java.

While it is true that Python is slow compared with these languages (typically on the order of 10-40 times slower), pure Python isn’t designed to compete with these languages for speed.

Instead Python prioritizes readability, code design, and simplicity.

That said, there is a large community of Python developers who devote their time to optimizing Python in many ways. These include

Using a compiled module

Before you get carried away with these hybrid approaches and/or start to think you might need to write your whole project using a lower-level language, consider the small snippet below that demonstrates some simple arithmetic operations in a for-loop:

def simple(amp, N):
    out = []
    for i in range(N):
        val1 = amp * math.sin(i)
        val2 = (abs(val1) - 1)**2
    return out

simple(0.1, 10000)

Ie here we perform some relatively basic mathematical operations (sin, abs, multiplication, exponentiation, etc), inside a for loop, looped 10,000 times.

For-loops are one of Python’s common speed bottlenecks compared with low-level languages, so this can be considered to be a relatively representative snippet.

Benchmark results

Running this code using the Numpy module, we get the following statistics:

Numpy:   0.000417 seconds / "loop iteration" (uses matrix operations) 

Execution time relative to numpy version (small is good!)

Cython versions
For loop                             :   10.09
List comprehension                   :   15.05
With Basic Cython type declarations  :    5.13
 + return type declarations          :    5.07
 + using cmath abs & sin             :    1.27
 + removed bounds checking           :    1.26

Normal Python
Numpy (vectorized)                   :    0.97
Basic for loop                       :   13.46
List comprehension                   :   17.23

Basic C++ 
Growing vector                       :    1.44
Pre-assigned vector                  :    1.36 

C++ with O2 (optimization) flag
Growing vector                       :    0.97 
Pre-assigned vector                  :    0.92 

C version with O2                    :    0.89

So the Numpy version (and the best Cython versions!) are faster than the basic Pure C++ version!

This is possible because Numpy is not a pure-python library; all of the basic operations are implemented in c, and wrapped in Python to provide a Python object interface to a load of really fast numerical algorithms!

As this still incurs some overhead, applying optimization flags to the C++ and C version mean these versions are still the fastest.

Using Cython

If someone else (like the Numpy development team!) hasn’t already written the speed-critical functions you need in C/C++ etc for you, there is a gentle way of optimizing your Python code using Cython to perform incremental optimization.

We mentioned Cython above as a way of interfacing with C++. Cython basically converts pure Python into C/C++ and automatically create a Python compatible module from the output.

This means that pure Python is valid Cython code. In fact, by just running Cython on pure python we already obtain a small increase in speed, often of about 10-20%.

By adding in additional Cython-specific information, such as type declarations (and removing calls to Python functions), Cython is able to further optimize your Python code for you.

For example, the optimized Cython version (which operates faster than the unoptimized Pure C++ and almost as fast as the highly optimized Numpy code) is identical to the Python version, featuring just a few Cython specific decorators:

from libc.math cimport sin, abs
@cython.locals(amp=cython.double,, out=list,
    val1 = cython.double, val2 = cython.double)
def cython_version(amp, N):
    out = []
    for i in range(N):
        val1 = amp * sin(i)
        val2 = (abs(val1) - 1)**2
    return out

That’s it!

The function definition itself is almost identical (except that we switched to the c math library version of sin and abs), and all we needed was three additional lines;

from libc.math cimport sin, abs

to import the c library functions for sin and abs (so that Cython doesn’t have to switch back to the Python library to call the Python versions of these functions!), and

@cython.locals(amp=cython.double,, out=list,
    val1 = cython.double, val2 = cython.double)

i.e. two special cython module decorators, locals and returns, that are used to specify the data types in the local variables and the return variables so that Cython can convert the Python code to c code. Cython knows how to deal with for loops and Python list conversions. Not much to add for a more than 10-fold speed increase!

And yet we’ve also been able to still write valid Python code in doing so.

This highlights how we can incrementally add cython annotation to Python code to make it run faster; so if you have a nicely written Python module that has a speed bottleneck that has to be addressed, no need to replace the whole thing with c code - you can simply add in a few cython library lines and run the code through cython to produce an optimized, compiled version of the same code!

Cython also already contains a special cimport numpy directive to allow operations involving Numpy arrays to be optimized using Cython.

Object-Oriented Programming and Python

To quote one of the first sentences from the wikipedia page on Python:

Python supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative and functional programming or procedural styles.

In the Introductory notes I also referred to modules functions as well as member functions.

These bits of jargon are related; everything in Python is an object.

In the context of programming, objects

“…are data structures that contain data, in the form of fields, often known as attributes; and code, in the form of procedures, often known as methods.”

Everything in Python is an object (even functions!)

Every entity in a python script has both data associated with it, and functions.

For example, even the most basic seeming data is an object:

print( (1).__class__ )

yields int - ie the class name attribute of the number 1 is int (the parentheses are needed to distinguish the “.” from a decimal sign!).

Note that this is different from basic programming concept of data type!

As proof, the full list of member functions for our number are:

bit_length   denominator  imag         real        
conjugate    from_bytes   numerator    to_bytes  

i.e. functions to e.g. get the real and imaginary parts of the number, as well as return a “bytes” (binary) representation.

As well as these member functions, as with most Python objects there are a host of hidden member functions:

__abs__           __init__          __rlshift__
__add__           __int__           __rmod__
__and__           __invert__        __rmul__
__bool__          __le__            __ror__
__ceil__          __lshift__        __round__
__class__         __lt__            __rpow__
__delattr__       __mod__           __rrshift__
__dir__           __mul__           __rshift__
__divmod__        __ne__            __rsub__
__doc__           __neg__           __rtruediv__
__eq__            __new__           __rxor__
__float__         __or__            __setattr__
__floor__         __pos__           __sizeof__
__floordiv__      __pow__           __str__
__format__        __radd__          __sub__
__ge__            __rand__          __subclasshook__
__getattribute__  __rdivmod__       __truediv__
__getnewargs__    __reduce__        __trunc__
__gt__            __reduce_ex__     __xor__
__hash__          __repr__          
__index__         __rfloordiv__  

Why the funny notation for these member functions?

Unlike e.g. C++ or Java, in Python there is no mechanism to declare member functions as private vs public (or protected) – this jargon is all to do with OOP, specifically one of the core concepts known as inheritance. More on that below!

Instead, in Python the notion of private member functions is replaced by hidden member functions; technically they’re not private and can be overridden in child classes, but it is suggested by the authors of the class that you don’t!

If you were to open an IPython interactive shell and type print.__ and then hit tab you’d see that even the print function is an object. Functions are objects too!

So now that we’ve established that even “simple” numbers and functions are all objects, lets look a bit more at what an object is.

Why Objects?

There are a few main concepts at the heart of OOP, including

Ok? Probably not! We have so far answered a question with a bunch of jargon. Let’s make this a little clearer with an example.

Simple OOP example: Geometric shapes classes

As an example, let’s consider that we’re writing a program that works with geometric shapes like circles, squares, triangles etc.

For each type of shape we might want to calculate things like perimeter, area, bounding box etc.

The OOP way to solve this task would be to first of all create a parent class that contains the features common to all shapes. For example

class Shape():

would define a class called Shape (the pass statement is needed as we need at least one line of code in the class-block).

Next, we could add in some member attributes - data associated with our class - and member functions, (i.e. the class will encapsulate all required functionality).

class Shape():
    name    = "Generic shape"
    centre  = []

    def print_name(self):

    def get_area(self):
        return None

Here we have 2 member attributes, and 2 member functions.

You might have spotted the funny (required!) first argument in the definition of the member functions; we called it self, which is a convention, as it is a variable holding the object itself. This is how we have access an object’s other attributes and member functions, inside a member function.

The member function called get_area returns a None, because a generic shape doesn’t exist, and can’t have an area!

Now, as we said, generic shapes don’t exist, we only have concrete shapes! So let’s create a very simple first child class; the square

class Square(Shape):
    name    = "Square"

The Shape in the parentheses of the class definition line, mean that the Square class will inherit from the Shape class.

If we create an object of class Square, it will automatically have inherited the print_name member function:

square1 = Square()

prints Square to the console. Similarly, we might want to have a triangle

class Triangle(Shape):
    name= "Triangle"

Now at the moment, except for printing out the correct name, all of our classes will return None when calling get_area. But, for squares and triangles, we should be able to get a meaningful value!

Now we need to add in some child-class specific code. First of all, when creating a square , we need to know a single dimension for the size. To achieve this we add a member attribute, width, and over-write the get_area function:

class Square(Shape):
    name    = "Square"
    width   = 0        # A default value 

    def get_area(self):
        return width * width

Similarly for the triangle

class Triangle(Shape):
    name    = "Triangle"
    width   = 0
    height  = 0

    def get_area(self):
        return 0.5 * width * height 

Almost there! We’ve added some child-class specific functionality now so that each concrete shape class should report the correct area.

But wait, we haven’t created a good way to assign the required data yet.

The full OOP approach would include creating setter and getter functions for each attribute that we want anyone using the class to be able to access.

However, for brevity, lets override the default constructor function (called when an object of a class is created). In Python that function is named __init__.

class Square(Shape):
    name    = "Square"
    width   = 0        # A default value 

    def __init__(self, width):
        self.width = width

    def get_area(self):
        return width * width

class Triangle(Shape):
    name    = "Triangle"
    width   = 0
    height  = 0

    def __init__(self, width, height):
        self.width = width
        self.height = height 

    def get_area(self):
        return 0.5 * width * height 

Now, regardless of what shape we’re dealing with, we can interrogate the area using get_area and receive the correct response! This is closely related to polymorphism as we can call the same function on either child class and get meaningful output.

NOTE: as we specified width and height as positional arguments, Triangles and Squares must now always be created with the width and width and height values as inputs (respectively).

We have not covered composition in the above treatment, as this most commonly emerges when dealing with more complex classes. Nonetheless, this gives a basic introduction to classes and OOP with Python, and hopefully sheds some light on the “why” of member-functions!