Welcome to this Module

This module is intended to provide the reader with a basic overview of essential Unix/Linux commands that will allow them to navigate a file system and move, copy, edit files. It will also introduce a brief overview of some ‘power’ commands in Unix.

Please note to run this module you must first set up the appropriate openstack instance. You will have been provided with the details in a separate document. Use the OpenStack course notes to guide you through it.

The course was orginally developed as part of a Bioinformatics Core Workshop taught at UC Davis (Using the Linux Command-Line for Analysis of High Throughput Sequence Data).

Command-line Bootcamp

Keith Bradnam
UC Davis Genome Center
Version 1.02 — 2015-12-03

http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Please send feedback, questions, money, or abuse to keith@bradnam.co